Study Tips /
Planning Work

Study Tips  / Planning Work

One of the biggest challenges for veterans coming into higher education is time management.

Now this generally doesn’t refer to the management of your own time (though still important) but refers to managing your expectations of others’ time management.

Remember that for many of your peers this will be their first true ‘adult learning’ experience. Many of your peers will likely have recently left high school and will be learning what time management looks like. Understanding this in advance and accepting that you cannot control how others manage their time is key. Often this will be as simple as not holding your peers to the expectations you hold yourself to and accepting that other people’s actions are out of your control. It is important to understand that it is not your responsibility to hold others accountable and that it is up to the academic staff member running the lecture/tutorial/workshop to deem when it’s appropriate to intervene.

For extra information onworking collaboratively and to learn what social loafing means select the What to Expect page > Working Collaboratively.