
Frequently Asked Questions

What opportunities/pathways can Veterans take to access higher education?

Veterans have several pathways available to enter higher education in Australia. These pathways are designed to support veterans in transitioning from military service to civilian life and to facilitate their access to educational opportunities.

Some universities have special entry schemes specifically for veterans. These schemes may offer alternative entry requirements or additional support for veterans during the application process.

Some examples are:

  • ACU Veteran Entry Program (VEP): Higher education is an internationally established pathway to assist veterans in successfully transitioning from the military to civilian life, broadening personal networks, and creating a pathway to gainful employment. We assess applicants on a case-by-case basis, and once you’re an ACU student, the Student Veteran Support Program will help smooth the transition to student life.
  • Military Academic Pathway Program from Flinders University: The Military Academic Pathway Program (MAPP) is open to Australian Defence Force veterans, including personnel still serving, those in the process of transition, and for people who have already left the military. Upon successful completion, students may apply to commence a Flinders University degree.
  • Veterans Direct: Griffith recognises and values your experience in the Australian Defence Force (ADF). They also understand the unique challenges that applicants from defence backgrounds face when considering their university study options. For admission to Griffith undergraduate programs, they award selection ranks for your armed services training and experience, and for eligible degrees you may also be able to apply via the Veterans Direct application pathway.
  • Australian Defence Force Pathway: Macquarie University recognises the valuable service provided by Australian Defence Force (ADF) personnel. This pathway acknowledges your contribution by giving current and former ADF members admission benefits for choosing to study at Macquarie. To be eligible, you'll need to demonstrate a minimum of one year of full-time service in the ADF and include proof of service in your application via UAC or direct to the university.

Overall, these pathways examples and support services aim to facilitate veterans' access to higher education in Australia and help them successfully transition from military service to civilian life. Veterans are encouraged to research specific university programs and support services to identify the options that best meet their needs and goals.