Study Tips /
Planning Work

Study Tips / Planning Work  - Reading Techniques

Reading is going to be a big part of your studies. It's not just for assignments but also for getting ready for classes and understanding the topics. The readings can be a bit heavy, so you'll need to make them part of your regular study routine.

It’s important that you regularly space out your reading where you are free from distractions, and where you can take notes whilst concentrating and reflecting.

A great tip is to create a reading schedule that suits you across a week.

  • Start by scheduling your other commitments
  • Schedule your tutorials and classes
  • Schedule time when tasks are due
  • Now block out time for reading before and after tasks.
Previewing Scanning Skimming Intensive reading You preview when you Use this to quickly scan Skimming involves This is a thorough are wanting to check how text and clarify reading the paragraph's reading of a text. Read text is organised, and to information, check the topic sentence to identify slowly and deliberately. familiarise yourself with a details of something you the topic of argument. You should be making reference and whether to paraphrased or cited, or Use this when you want notes, and summarising decide if it is relevant to are searching for a to find key points or build at this stage of reading. your paper or study. particular answer. your background understanding.