Academic Writing

Tips for Essays

Academic Writing  - Tips for Essays

Throughout your study it is likely that you will be required to complete various assessment tasks. A common form of assessment will be a written assignment. Developing a structured process can assist you in approaching these tasks confidently.  

There are a range of approaches that can be used, but typically they will follow this process:

Understand the assignment

  • Analyse the question/s
  • Identify key requirements including format (essay, report, critical analysis, reflection), and word count
  • Clarify any areas of confusion with lecturers.

Research gathering

  • Start to compile potential sources of information
  • Identify existing research/evidence on the topic
  • Take notes, making sure to cite any material that has been used
  • Apply the CAARP method to sources (Currency, Authority, Accuracy, Relevance, Purpose).


  • Develop your point of view, argument, or thesis
  • Develop an outline of your assignment, this will help you to begin structuring your document, and focusing your research.


  • Begin writing your assignment. The structure will be guided by the format of your assignment
  • Generally, an assignment will be comprised of an introduction, the body, and conclusion
  • Your initial work will be a draft which can be reviewed and refined at a later stage.


  • Review your assignment for coherence, clarity, and flow
  • This is a good opportunity to apply a critical/opposing view on your argument. Does it make sense? Can it be refuted?
  • Check for grammatical errors and style
  • Check references – are they formatted correctly? Are required statements cited? Use the CAARP method
  • Utilise external tools such as ‘Studiosity’ and/or ‘Grammarly’.

Final review

  • Adjust as required following the review stage
  • Double check formatting and readability
  • Does the assignment address the requirements?
  • Polish the document.


  • Submit on time
  • Check similarity report – adjust as required
  • If required, request an extension.

There are some great study tips/techniques for planning work (sites you currently use, how, and why) as well as tips to improve your writing techniques as you type:

Grammarly: This is a great site that assists with writing and grammar. You can add the browser and Word plugin and it checks your writing as you type. Very useful when you want to paraphrase or change the tone to be more formal. It has free functions that are suitable for academic writing.
Studiosity:Used to assist with proofing academic assignments such as essays and reports.
ChatGPT: Use this cautiously to avoid academic misconduct but it is great to generate ideas when answering a question. In particular, it is useful to get started if you have writer's block and don't know where to start, and then you need to put it into your own words.
Word count: Word will advise you of how many words you have used, however this site can help to know exactly how many words you have used to create an argument and if you are within your word count.

Most universities have an Academic Skills Office or department to help you just with understanding how to write in an academic way, utilising these resources will only support you in becoming a better student.

Australian Catholic University ACU
Academic Skill Development:
Academic Skills Unit:  

University of Sydney USYD
Academic Writing:

University of Melbourne UOM:
Academic Style: 

University of New South Wales UNSW
Academic Skills Support:

University of New England UNE:
Academic Skills Office:

University of Technology UTS:
Academic Skills:

Charles Sturt University CSU:
Academic Skills: