
Veterans Assistance

Throughout your study you will have access to a wide range of support services. These services range from academic skills support, all the way through to employment support. Knowing what support is available is key to ensuring you get the most out of your university experience. More importantly, having a plan to access this support will help you when you need it most. This can be as simple as educating yourself on what is available, and who to speak to when you need it.

It is important to highlight that this plan should include external services and incorporate any existing treatment plan you have. There will likely be some overlap between your existing treatment plan and any actions you would take at university if needed. Mapping out what the plan would look like in line with any existing plans will ensure you aren’t doubling up or missing key areas of support.

A common challenge for veterans can be the stoic mentality of ‘sucking it up’ when things get tough. There are times when this might be necessary, but rarely will there be a time where this is appropriate in higher education. The support services available throughout study are there to be accessed. When you are presented with your degree at graduation there will be no mention that you ‘didn’t ask for help’.

It's important to remember that others have stood where you are andthere is help at hand!

To find the right assistance for you, select the topic and then the specific assistance you require from our categories:

These programs and schemes are only available to SERCAT 6/7 members or members on full-time service.